At Little Rainbows Nursery, we respect that children are individuals, and that each child has their own individual need. We believe that all children should thrive and be supported in the best possible way to ensure they enjoy a positive learning experience with us. We recognise that sometimes, children require extra support to help them meet their maximum potential, and alongside parents, we create a graduated approach for these children to achieve this. Our principles and practices are based around the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015 and is reflected through our policies and practice.
SEN / Communication Group - We have a room available for dedicated sessions!
Our designated SENCO officer is Sarah Bubb, who is also our Deputy Manager. Sarah has supported children with various special needs and has attended training courses to support her role. Our SENCO representative is responsible for ensuring all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibilities to children with SEN and the setting’s approach to identifying and meeting SEN. Sarah has a team of practitioners who directly work with our children, and they also advise and supports colleagues, ensuring parents are closely involved throughout and that their insights inform action taken by the setting. We also liaise with professionals and agencies beyond the setting.
The SENCO team works closely with the key person and parents in providing Individual Education Plans (IEP) for the child concerned. This is created alongside strong communication links with the Early Intervention team. The focus of this team is to work with us to promote the learning and development of children with special educational needs. Staff training is also of high importance to ensure that practitioners are equipped with the tools that they need to meet each child’s individual needs. Our SENCO team attend regular training to inform them of new developments and update their knowledge in order that the team are well trained and strengthened in their knowledge.
To read our full SENDCO policy, please speak to the nursery to read our ‘Policies and Procedures’.
If you would like any more information about our SEN provision, then please contact: